Don’t let the idea that you “don’t have it all figured out” hold you back from starting…
When I started my business I had no idea what I wanted to do in the BIG picture sense. I knew I wanted to work from home, but I didn’t have a VISION. And I feel for others that don’t yet, either — we hear a lot of people with amazing visions and motivations, and while that is so great for them, it’s not everyone’s story. It can be intimidating to not have that, and we can use it as an excuse to not get started.
In this episode I share my experience around this topic and why it is important to get started anyway!
Hi! I’m Kaitlyn. By day I am a graphic designer and art director for digital CEOs. But my absolute biggest passion and truth is this: I believe that you can ultimately create the life and business you desire. This podcast explores the ideas of creating something that feels aligned, exciting, and effortless.
Want more? Start creating Your Effortless Business.